Q&A with Timmy Weiss on “When Darkness Tries to Hide” by Stacy Padula

An Interview with Timmy Weiss—Weston, Massachusetts

Who could benefit from reading this book? 

Middle school aged kids would most likely benefit the most from reading this book.  Since this book is about the problems that freshman in high school deal with, it would be extremely helpful for these middle schoolers to gain knowledge before they reach that point in their life.  These kids would learn valuable lessons of the dangers of drug use and also how to find strength if they get caught up in these behaviors or if a friend of theirs did.  High schoolers could also benefit due so that they could help their friends or themselves eliminate these behaviors from their lives.

What positive messages does this book convey to readers? 

The positive message this book conveys to readers is that there is always hope.  Sometimes we don’t know where to look and it seems that everything is lost, but we need to look out for that glimmer of hope.  We need to keep an eye out for the light that God is shining down on us to help us because it will come, even when we least expect it.  This light is what Chris saw in Courtney, what Jon sees in Chantal, and what Jason sees in Pastor Mark’s daughter.  So do not despair when things go wrong because the Lord has a reason for everything to happen and we need to trust all things will work themselves out.

Why should teens read this book? 

Teens should read this book so that they know what they can do if someone has a problem with drugs in their life.  Since these characters like Jason and Chris hit rock bottom as teenagers, we know what it is like to be lost and depressed.  However, these two characters found strength through God, especially Chris.  Jason is in the early process of turning his life over to God and when he fully commits himself he will be free of the horrible lies he’s been fed with drugs, popularity, sex, etc.  True happiness is found through the Lord, not these worldly pleasures.

How has your opinion of Jason changed since reading the first MLH book?  

My opinion of Jason has changed by disliking him, thinking he was a pretty cocky and reckless person into thinking about his compassion, humbleness, and desire to better himself.  It takes a brave person to admit that he has a serious problem with abusing drugs, but Jason admits it and agrees he needs help.  He confesses all of his sins to Pastor Mark because he wants to become better after seeing how much Chris has changed in such little time.  This is a serious progression in his character showing the love and greatness he possesses if he becomes the best version of himself.

A main theme of this story is the battle between the dark and the light. When one is in darkness, he or she cannot see anything clearly. How does the last chapter relate to the events of the story and the theme of light vs. darkness? 

The last chapter relates to this theme by explaining the faith journey Jason has had throughout his life.  Jason grew up in a faithful family at a school that practiced faith, but suddenly fell out of faith when his older brother Luke mentioned Priests molest little boys.  As Jason grew older this thought drifted away and he instead thought just believing in God was enough.  Jason became blinded in his life by the darkness he was fed through sex, swears, drunkenness, drugs, lies, etc.  He didn’t decide until now to find the light again.  Pastor Mark sparked his light by getting him to confess everything and admit he was struggling and Pastor Mark’s daughter is the light that shone to break Jason’s darkness to put him on the path with God again.

About Timmy Weiss

Timmy is a recent graduate of St. Sebastian’s High School. He was a varsity tennis and varsity soccer player, as well as a part of MPA (men with positive attitudes), the newspaper named The Walrus, and the peer mentoring club. He enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, volunteering, and going to sports games. He plans to study communications within the renowned SI Newhouse School at Syracuse University.

Published by Author Stacy A. Padula

Stacy Padula has spent the last 14 years working daily with teenagers as a college counselor, mentor, and life coach. She was named "Top Inspirational Author of the Year" for 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (New York, NY). In 2021, she was broadcast on the famous Reuters Building in Times Square as "Empowered Woman of the Year." Her Gripped book series is currently being adapted for TV by Emmy-winning producer Mark Blutman. She is the founder and CEO of Briley & Baxter Publications: a publishing company that donates a portion of its proceeds to animal rescues each month. She has edited and published a variety of titles, including Boston Bruins Anthem Singer Todd Angilly and Rachel Goguen's The Adventures of Owen & the Anthem Singer, LaTonya Pinkard of Netflix's Last Chance U's Nate & His Magic Lion, and former NHL player Norm Beaudin's memoir The Original: Living Life Through Hockey. Stacy resides in Plymouth, Massachusetts with her husband Tim and two miniature dachshunds, Briley and Baxter.