Timmy Weiss Reviews “The Aftermath” by Stacy Padula

Review by Timmy Weiss—Weston, Massachusetts

After the night of the JV football game, where Jason Davids gets in a fight and takes it too far at his brother’s party he has to make a decision on whether to change his ways.  That night Jason suddenly feels the urge to protect Jessie, a random girl he saw once at church, giving him a glimpse of the strength God has to offer him.  He also makes an important decision to stay away from his long-time girlfriend Cathy after the horrible night.  The Aftermath by Stacy Padula shows readers how God works everything into the good and how impactful God can be.

The next couple days at school, Cathy, Jason’s ex, starts rumors about Jessie and Jason, causing drama throughout MLH.  Everyone responds differently, but Jessie acknowledges how God is testing her and that God gives her all the strength she needs to get through it.  Jason, now sober in school, realizes how horrible his reputation is and feels disgusted he could’ve been so bad to people.  Through the help of many characters and especially Pastor Mark, Jason must choose to turn to God to get over his addiction because if he doesn’t he will falter.  Luckily many unexplainable things that could only be described as done by God begin to unfold and open Jason’s eyes to a world of faith.  

I’d recommend this book to middle schoolers and high schoolers so that they can avoid drugs and learn about the drama in high school they could deal with.  Also so that they can learn about the importance of faith in life.  I’d give this book a 5/5 as I feel it genuinely impacted my faith life and taught valuable lessons I can hold onto.

About Timmy Weiss

Timmy is a recent graduate of St. Sebastian’s High School. He was a varsity tennis and varsity soccer player, as well as a part of MPA (men with positive attitudes), the newspaper named The Walrus, and the peer mentoring club. He enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, volunteering, and going to sports games. He plans to study communications within the renowned SI Newhouse School at Syracuse University.

Published by Author Stacy A. Padula

Stacy Padula has spent the last 14 years working daily with teenagers as a college counselor, mentor, and life coach. She was named "Top Inspirational Author of the Year" for 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (New York, NY). In 2021, she was broadcast on the famous Reuters Building in Times Square as "Empowered Woman of the Year." Her Gripped book series is currently being adapted for TV by Emmy-winning producer Mark Blutman. She is the founder and CEO of Briley & Baxter Publications: a publishing company that donates a portion of its proceeds to animal rescues each month. She has edited and published a variety of titles, including Boston Bruins Anthem Singer Todd Angilly and Rachel Goguen's The Adventures of Owen & the Anthem Singer, LaTonya Pinkard of Netflix's Last Chance U's Nate & His Magic Lion, and former NHL player Norm Beaudin's memoir The Original: Living Life Through Hockey. Stacy resides in Plymouth, Massachusetts with her husband Tim and two miniature dachshunds, Briley and Baxter.