Q&A with Annie Stanton on “Gripped Part 1: The Truth We Never Told”

An Interview with Annie Stanton—Medfield, Massachusetts

  1. Who would you recommend Gripped Part 1 to and why?

I would recommend Gripped Part 1 for middle to high school students who are looking to delve deeper into the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Gripped Part 1 gives young adults a great understanding of the consequences of getting twisted up in the drug world by using realistic characters who a lot of readers can relate to. 

  1. How do you as a young adult relate to the story?

I related to this story in a lot of ways because I have always feared drugs and alcohol due to my family’s addiction. Many people in my family have suffered from addiction which has always made me cautious of the consequences. Many other young adult readers can relate to this story as well, even if it’s not directly happening to them because it’s always happening around them.

  1. What did you like best about the story?

What I enjoyed most about the story is the authenticity to it. It is a very realistic story that is capable of taking place in my school or places around it. The chapters were quick which made it a fast and enjoyable read.

  1. What message does this book send to readers?

The book sends the message of your “actions have consequences.” The main character Taylor is the perfect example. When he started to get involved in the drug world, his football career went down the drain to the point where he had nothing left. 

  1. About the characters…
    • Who do you feel bad for and why?

I feel badly for Chantel the most out of all the characters. She put all of her energy into her boyfriend, giving him endless amounts of chances, but he still chose alcohol over her. She tried to understand what was going on with him, but eventually couldn’t take it anymore and had to give him up for her well being.

  • Who frustrates you and why? 

I am both frustrated and disappointed in Taylor Dunkin. Due to his unfortunate injury which linked him to opioid usage he became severely addicted to drugs. The frustrating part is when you learn that he was an idol to so many people, and had to watch all of that trust go down the drain. 

  • Who do you most relate to and why?

I relate most to Marc Dunkin. He is always looking to help his brother, even in his lowest of times. I feel being there for your family no matter the circumstance is of the utmost importance. 

  • Who do you like and why? 

I really like Marc Dunkin. He is the underdog in the story in many ways. He isn’t the most athletic, or the most popular, but he is definitely the most influential character throughout the whole book. Marc being willing to help Taylor after everything that has happened is truly remarkable.

  • Who do you dislike and why?

I dislike Jason Davids because he is the linking piece from Taylor to the high school. Even though it hasn’t been completely revealed yet, I believe he is the reason for Cathy’s foreshadowed addiction. 

  1. There are a few different storylines running through Gripped Part 1 because it is setting up the rest of the series. What storyline do you find the most interesting and why? (For example: Taylor and the police, Cathy and Jason, Cathy and Chantal, etc.)

I was most engaged with Taylor and the police. Since the first book was setting up for the series, I felt left wanting to know more about Taylor and his background. 

  1. Gripped Part 1 sets up the rest of the series but leaves a lot of things “hanging.” What are you most curious to uncover by reading Gripped Part 2?

The whole book felt like a big cliffhanger! I was most wrapped up in wondering how Chantel and Cathy’s relationship got ruined, as it states in the beginning of the book. 

About Annie Stanton

Annie Stanton is an upcoming senior at Medfield High School. She is president of the National Latin Honor Society, and is a two year captain for the varsity women’s basketball team. She is a founder of the Ancient Greek club at MHS, and is passionate in learning about current events and social issues. She also is one of the captains for Project Teamwork, which is an anti-bullying prevention club where student leaders use their voices to talk to younger students about important, real life topics.

Published by Author Stacy A. Padula

Stacy Padula has spent the last 15 years working daily with teenagers as a college counselor, mentor, and life coach. She was named "Top Inspirational Author of the Year" for 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (New York, NY). In 2021, she was broadcast on the famous Reuters Building in Times Square as "Empowered Woman of the Year." Her Gripped book series is currently being adapted for TV by Emmy-winning producer Mark Blutman. She is the founder and CEO of Briley & Baxter Publications: a publishing company that donates a portion of its proceeds to animal rescues each month. She has edited and published a variety of titles, including Boston Bruins Anthem Singer Todd Angilly and Rachel Goguen's The Adventures of Owen & the Anthem Singer, LaTonya Pinkard of Netflix's Last Chance U's Nate & His Magic Lion, and former NHL player Norm Beaudin's memoir The Original: Living Life Through Hockey. Stacy resides in Plymouth, Massachusetts with her husband Tim and two miniature dachshunds, Briley and Baxter.