Q&A with Grace Gerety on “Gripped 2: Blindsided”

An Interview with Grace Gerety—Duxbury, Massachusetts

The drug use and sexual content in this book will surely get it banned from schools, but the topics are too relevant in teenage culture to be ignored. Why do you think this book should be read by kids in middle school and high school?

This book should not be banned from schools but instead students should be encouraged to read it by teachers and other staff. The book touches on topics in a real life way that is almost impossible to find in other books. Middle and high school aged kids can learn the truth behind drug use and the many dangers that will come along with it by reading this series. 

What can kids learn from reading this book?

Through reading these books kids can learn the truth about drug use. Oftentimes teachers and other adults in kids’ lives will simply say “don’t do drugs, they are bad and will harm your life.” but by raising the gripped series kids learn what dangers they will face with examples and details if they follow the dangerous path. For example when Chris mixes drugs and alcohol and almost overdoses we are given specific information of how he feels and the terror he inflicts on his friends. 

How has your opinion of Taylor changed from the beginning of the series until the end of book 2?

In the beginning of the series, Taylor is seen as a character you would like with only knowing a few details but as a reader you have the benefit of seeing all sides of him which allows the truth to be seen. With this you do not like Taylor in the beginning but as you see more content from the flashbacks you are able to feel for taylor. I now see the Taylors drug problem is not as simple as it seemed in the beginning. 

How has your opinion of Chris changed since the beginning of the series?

In the beginning of the series I did not like Chris at all. I believed he was a bad influence that had no remorse for all of the drugs and other bad habits he was exposing his young friends to. But in Gripped 2 it was revoked that Chris has so much guilt he breaks up with Lisa and separates himself from his closest friends. Chris’s character development has been incredible and made him a character that many can relate to. 

After reading books 1 & 2, are you rooting for Cathy to end up with Jason or Marc?

I am rooting for Cathy and Jason. Although I do like Cathy and Marc together she and Jason just seem like a better match. Jason cares for Cathy deeply and wants only what is best for her. Even though Jason was the one to originally introduce Cathy to drugs he did it only with good intentions and after seeing that she is abusing them he immediately brings this up to her and tries to help her. Jason does have issues of his own that can be seen in the books but he is truly a kind kid. 

What are your honest thoughts on Chris and Lisa’s relationship?

Chris and Lisa have an odd relationship. Certain chapters I think are very healthy and they do just want good things for the other and are willing to hurt themselves to have the other achieve it. Other chapters they seem as if they are just using each other. For example when they try Molly together it is weird how Lisa goes in thinking this will be the last time they do something together but she still continues to take the drug. 

Who are your two favorite characters so far in the series and why?

My favorite characters so far are Jason and Cathy. I like Jason because of the way he treats Cathy and how he thinks very logically and reads people. I like Cathy because she stands up for herself and is a very good character for kids to relate to. Her issues are extremely relevant and she experiences anxiety just like many middle and high school aged kids. 

There are a few different storylines running through Gripped Part 1 because it is setting up the rest of the series. What storyline do you find the most interesting and why?

I find Chantal and Jon’s story line to be the most interesting because it has so many different details to it almost every one can find something to relate to. For example a reader may not be able to relate to a relationship where both people are very religious but they may be able to relate to a relationship where one person drinks (or any other act) and the other does not and hates what the other person does. A reader may also be able to relate to the feeling of not being connected to whoever you are in a relationship with after a fight even if both parties have forgiven the other. And the way their relationship ends is very interesting and leads you to think more about what things lead each of them to act the way they did. 

Gripped Part 1 sets up the rest of the series but leaves a lot of things “hanging.” What are you most curious to uncover by reading Gripped Part 2?

I am most curious about hearing the more specific drugs that Cathy began to use after she and Chantal stopped talking. I am also interested to see how Marc will handle the way the Police want him to help free his brother and gather information.

About Grace Gerety

Grace is a junior at Duxbury High School, where she is a member of the Varsity Rowing Team. In school, she is a part of the yearbook club and the Humanitarian Project. Her favorite subjects are science and history, and she plans to major in nursing in college. Grace also enjoys volunteering. Last summer she traveled to West Virginia and worked with the ASP organization, helping with home construction for less fortunate families. Grace works at a local retail shop year-round and has a summer job at a local beach restaurant.

Published by Author Stacy A. Padula

Stacy Padula has spent the last 14 years working daily with teenagers as a college counselor, mentor, and life coach. She was named "Top Inspirational Author of the Year" for 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (New York, NY). In 2021, she was broadcast on the famous Reuters Building in Times Square as "Empowered Woman of the Year." Her Gripped book series is currently being adapted for TV by Emmy-winning producer Mark Blutman. She is the founder and CEO of Briley & Baxter Publications: a publishing company that donates a portion of its proceeds to animal rescues each month. She has edited and published a variety of titles, including Boston Bruins Anthem Singer Todd Angilly and Rachel Goguen's The Adventures of Owen & the Anthem Singer, LaTonya Pinkard of Netflix's Last Chance U's Nate & His Magic Lion, and former NHL player Norm Beaudin's memoir The Original: Living Life Through Hockey. Stacy resides in Plymouth, Massachusetts with her husband Tim and two miniature dachshunds, Briley and Baxter.