Q&A with Jane Jakubowski on “Gripped Part 1: The Truth We Never Told”

An Interview with Jane Jakubowski on Gripped by Stacy A. Padula—Auburndale, Massachusetts

  1. Who would you recommend Gripped Part 1 to and why?

I would recommend Gripped Part 1 to a young adult audience, especially readers in middle school and early high school. I believe the choice to follow the stories of characters around the age of thirteen for good reason. Although young teenagers are often told about the dangers of drugs by adults, they seldom see how drugs impact people like them. Without seeings examples of the effect of drugs on people their age, it is harder to take the topic seriously. However, what Gripped does is showcase stories about young teens who have fallen victim to drug abuse, therefore opening readers’ minds, shifting their perspective, and expanding their wisdom.

  1. How do you as a young adult relate to the story?

As a teenager, the dynamic of friendships and relationships portrayed in this book is something I am constantly surrounded by in my day-to-day life. The drama between the characters is very on brand for teenagers, so including that makes the reader feel a bit more normal. I am also reminded of how alcohol and drugs play a part in the lives of many around me though gossip, stories, and seeing it with my own eyes. I really enjoy reading young adult books because I always feel more connected to the story. Even if I cannot fully relate, what I take away from reading is a lot more special.

  1. What did you like best about the story?

Personally, I am a sucker for a love story. Even if the characters in this book were just flirting at first, reading about the tension that stems from the beginning of a relationship always intices me. Although the Jason-Cathy relationship in Gripped was only a small moment in a novel concentrated on the complexity of drugs and life choices, I noticed myself most excited to read those full-of-tension moments between the two.

  1. What message does this book send to readers?

Life can get really dark; we will forever be chasing after the unattainable idea of success in achieving perfection. Though it may feel like life or death, turning to drugs to cope or have fun will only be detrimental to one’s livelihood and in time will hurt not just oneself, but those most important to them. 

  1. About the characters…
    • Who do you feel bad for and why?

Contrary to the characters at the end of the novel, I feel sympathy for Jon. I understand he has made mistakes, but I believe the true fault in his and Chantal’s relationship was their communication. To me, their fights never felt like there was one person at fault. Of course, Jon shouldn’t have turned to alcohol, but he did it because he was hurting and his support system was not strong enough to stop him. Instead of being mad that he drank, Chantal and friends could have chosen to forgive and view the incident with a different perspective. Clearly, Chris’s peer pressure had a huge part to play in Jon’s decision making. As time went on, his drinking was less influenced by his friends and more by himself. He was hurting from being shut out by Chantal which made him drink to cope, ultimately pushing her even further away.

  • Who frustrates you and why? 

JORDAN!!! I understand wanting people to have fun, but giving thirteen year olds alcohol and weed is just insane. Let’s be honest, they have high school and the rest of their lives to make the decision of whether or not to indulge, but it should have been their decision. Sure, being thirteen starts off your teen years, but at that age you are still a kid. You shouldn’t be exposed to such harmful resources that young. Jordan and all the older guys should have protected Chris and friends from that exposure, not given them it the second they could. 

  • Who do you most relate to and why?

I don’t know that I feel as though I relate to any character as of now. I see small parts of myself in personality or morals in some characters, but I don’t identify with any of them fully. I like Marc and how much he cares, I like that Cathy tries her best to do the right thing, and Lisa’s charisma. 

  • Who do you like and why? 

I like Jason (maybe it’s just cause he’s the love interest haha), Cathy, and Marc. I’m super conflicted about Chris because he’s very much at fault for a lot of the mess that occurs, but I just know he has good intentions and just wants to please everyone so they like him (not in an arrogant way, more like he feels he needs to prove himself).

  • Who do you hate and why?

I really can’t say I HATE anyone right now. I dislike Jordan because he’s just wrong for exposing these kids, but to be honest I don’t truly hate him or anyone else…yet!

  1. There are a few different storylines running through Gripped Part 1 because it is setting up the rest of the series. What storyline do you find the most interesting and why? (For example: Taylor and the police, Cathy and Jason, Cathy and Chantal, etc.)

Again, I’m a sucker for a good crush/start of a relationship storyline, so naturally I like the Cathy-Jason storyline the best. However, I gotta say, once they coupled up I find myself less intrigued to read about them. It’s kind of ironic how you can want to people to be together so bad but when they finally do what you want, you lose some interest.

  1. Gripped Part 1 sets up the rest of the series but leaves a lot of things “hanging.” What are you most curious to uncover by reading Gripped Part 2?

Cathy and Chantal’s status because I really want them to make up, more of Cathy and Jason because duh, and what happened to Chris/his backstory. I know the sequel focuses more on Chris so I am very excited to uncover his untold truth.

About Jane Jakubowski

Jane is a junior at Newton South High School in Newton, Massachusetts. She is part of her school’s dance team as well as a competitive and performance dancer at Joanne Langione Dance Center. She is also a member of Newtones, Newton South’s award-winning student-run a capella group. Singing has been a major passion for Jane since childhood as well as performing. Whether it is playing guitar or piano, being in the school musical, or being forced to listen to her sisters sing, Jane can always be found doing something creative and/or in the arts. 

Additionally, Jane has enjoyed working as a lifeguard and a babysitter over the years and feels most fulfilled by doing what she loves while connecting with people. Jane values the importance of family & friend time, meaningful talks, and appreciating life and the fun it has to bring.

Published by Author Stacy A. Padula

Stacy Padula has spent the last 14 years working daily with teenagers as a college counselor, mentor, and life coach. She was named "Top Inspirational Author of the Year" for 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (New York, NY). In 2021, she was broadcast on the famous Reuters Building in Times Square as "Empowered Woman of the Year." Her Gripped book series is currently being adapted for TV by Emmy-winning producer Mark Blutman. She is the founder and CEO of Briley & Baxter Publications: a publishing company that donates a portion of its proceeds to animal rescues each month. She has edited and published a variety of titles, including Boston Bruins Anthem Singer Todd Angilly and Rachel Goguen's The Adventures of Owen & the Anthem Singer, LaTonya Pinkard of Netflix's Last Chance U's Nate & His Magic Lion, and former NHL player Norm Beaudin's memoir The Original: Living Life Through Hockey. Stacy resides in Plymouth, Massachusetts with her husband Tim and two miniature dachshunds, Briley and Baxter.